My 7-Day Workout Plan

For starters, I’m on break from clinical practice so I’m working from home at a desk for the entire day and coordinating virtual schooling just like many of you!  I’m a firm believer that HIIT cardio and resistance training gets you the most bang for your buck.  I also don’t have the time or bandwidth to exercise for an hour or to deal with having to go to a gym.  I exercise at home for no more than 30 to 40 minutes per session. 

(Disclaimer: I’m an Orthopod who loves to work out - I know how to work out safe and hard, but I’m NOT a personal trainer or professional athlete.)

My go to home gym equipment includes: a television, a mat, free weights, a boxing bag, a few kettle bells, a jump rope, one resistance band (blue), and a full length mirror (key to checking your form). 

I have a paid annual subscription to a popular on demand exercise program that’s only $99 per year.  This month I’m doing a HIIT weight training program.  I’m slightly obsessed with weight training.  The reality is that many women don’t lift because they think they will bulk up.  But that couldn’t be farther from the truth.  If you want to bulk up, lift heavier and eat more! Building lean muscle is essential to boosting your metabolism and burning fat! I also generally feel like a bad ass when I lift.  After every workout, I’m drenched! The key is that you must push yourself to get results.  This is how you maximize results … give max effort for about 30 minutes!

Honestly, I believe a 7 day workout schedule is kind of ….arbitrary. Sorry, but my body never said to me “Hey, its Saturday, lets chill today”. The reality is that I seriously listen to my body. Usually, I find that after 4 days straight of hard work outs, some part of my body is screaming or I just feel tired. So the fifth day is usually reserved for dynamic stretching or a yoga class. I usually work out another 3 days then have another stretch or full rest day. I also don’t force certain workouts. If I didn’t get enough sleep heading into a leg day, then odds are I wont push it. I’ll switch to arms or core. The key is to listen to your body, yet push yourself, and do something on most days of the week.

With that said, Lets Get Into it!

First, I always start the day early around 6am, with a double shot of expresso black, and check work and email for about 30 minutes.  Caffeine is a must for me - it speeds up my metabolism and energizes my workout – but remember peak effect is at about 30 to 60 minutes! After my coffee, I down a bottle of water and have a serving of BCAA (branched chain amino acid) supplements then get to my work-out.

Day 1

I often start with a HIIT arm and back weight training session – three reps (of a series of exercises) followed by a one-minute max out session, followed by a one-minute jump rope, then a brief 30 second rest to hydrate and prep for next circuit.  I do that for about 3 or 4 different circuits. This is the general format for all the workouts this month.  Biggest bang for your buck - compound moves! Work multiple muscle groups at the same time. (Today was a family workout session with the hardest working littlest dude I know!)

Day 2

A 37-minute HIIT core workout with weights, which incorporates cardio in between reps (jump roping or other heart pumping exercises).

Day 3

HIIT leg resistance workout which is a killer! I’m literally dying at the end of this workout. I have some knee issues and am very careful about how I exercise my legs, I don’t go crazy with super heavy weights and I’m obsessed with proper form, so I don’t get injured or bulk up my quads.   I also avoid any jump squats or exercises that require me to flex my knees beyond 90 degrees (this is where the 40-year-old restraint must kick in).

Day 4

A different HIIT core workout. After children, core strengthening is so important so I will often double up.
What’s also important is to shout out my amazing videographer/son (he’s 5 lol)!

Day 5

Bikram Yoga recently - Yay to hot, sweaty Yoga.

Day 6

Full body 30-minute HIIT weight training, usually with power lifting. This is where I may use kettle bells to really exercise multiple muscle groups.

Day 7

Dynamic Stretch Day! This varies for me and may include a Bikram Yoga class, a stretch at home, or absolutely nothing.

The last thing I realized is that it’s nearly impossible to burn enough calories while sitting at a desk all day (especially after 35 years old).  Before the pandemic, 30 to 40 minutes was enough because I was very active throughout the day.  Now, I’ve also included some low to moderate intensity movement in the early evening (a walk before dinner or maybe a 15 to 20-minute jump rope session while watching the news (okay… while watching reality TV).

I know! It may sound a little intense – maybe or maybe not. I love challenging myself, lifting more, and being able to do more reps.  My husband will attest to the fact that a missed workout turns me into Mrs. Cranky Pants. This is my “me” time that allows me to focus on only myself, unwind and unleash (unless my boys make it a family workout session)!

Take care of you!
Dr. Eva


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