
I’m so lucky that I have the opportunity to work with a true master of the shoe development game, an old-school Shoe Dog as he calls himself.  He told me and my partner very early on that it’s not just about making and selling shoes. He made us lean into “why” we are doing this.  What he was really asking is “what is the heartbeat…the great purpose behind your project?”   “It HAS to be bigger than shoes”, he would say.  My partner and I thought long and hard about what exactly WE wanted not only in shoes, but in our current lifestyles as women, professionals, mothers, and the list goes on.  In discovering this, we had to be as concise as possible. We found it.  BALANCE.

We are all searching for it.  Balance between prioritizing work and home; between being engaged in the world but present in the moments in front of us; between being caretakers versus prioritizing ourselves; between health and wellness and just relaxing and giving in sometimes.  Finding this balance is MY OWN personal journey in life, and what I know is that it takes CONSTANT mindfulness.   Bringing balance into my life is incredibly difficult for me.  I’ve realized that I have somewhat of an addictive personality in how I approach certain things.  Meaning, once I decide on something, I’m ALL in, all the time.  This often comes at a cost though…either to myself or to others around me.  The truth is that balance is probably really only found by the super enlightened, i.e. Buddha types, but it is still a journey worth taking.  That sweet spot, where balance comes into reality, is where I strive to be and where I think happiness lives. 

So… this search for balance and hopefully discovery, is the underpinning of what I (WE) want to offer to the world.  How does this relate back to my Shoe Guru, right? Narrowly, when it comes to shoes, apparel, or any other products or brands we individually endorse, how about if they ADDED to the balance we are seeking for ourselves.  Products that don’t make you choose - comfort versus style; practicality and function vs whatever the opposite of that is (lol); between sustainability versus being extractive.  As a developing brand, we are trying to find that balance and deliver it.


Take care of you,

Dr. Eva


(P.S. On Mother’s Day - I added a Krispy Kreme donut (or two) to my usual Organic Raw Protein Veggie Shake … balance!)


The 411 on Achilles Pain


All About The Shoes!